The Power of Your Words!!
So I have a question for some parents of curvy young girls. Why are there are still in parents in 2017, that say and do things horrible things to children that they deem "overweight"? Why are these things said to be done out of love, or for their own good? Could it be possible that some adults are really that thick headed? I am sure that some just don't think, or just don't realize how much damage is being done with their words. It is in no way helpful to constantly remind a child of your issues with their weight. They know they are overweight. They woke up like that and saw themselves before you did, I promise! Now please understand that this is not something that every curvy young girl experiences but it is an unfortunate nightmare for some. My goal is to empower young women. So, if even one girl is dealing with something like this, then we should all support them and be a voice for them.A voice to those who don't have the confidence to say that they are hurting. I believe that all parents should keep the health and welfare of their child at the fore front of their mind at all times. This not only includes offering or suggesting healthy alternatives to junk food to improve their physical health it also includes their emotional health. Being supportive and checking yourself when you're at the grocery store or the stove should be the first thing you do out of love of for your child's own good if you have an issue with their size. Also, don't scrutinize or humiliate your child when it comes to their weight especially not in front of people. I had the unfortunate pleasure of witnessing what I can honestly say was one of the worst displays of parenting that I have ever seen. Some friends and I had gathered at another friends house for a girls night in. The host's daughter came home from school and went straight to the refrigerator(like every child in America) and before I could even turn around to say hello,the little girl, who couldn't have been more than 12, her mother was all over her about being in the refrigerator. Asking her if she thinks about anything but food, telling her all she does is eat and that was the reason why so was big now. The look on her daughter's face was that of complete shame. She turned around and ran into her room and slammed the door. Oh but that was not even close to the end of it, when the door slammed her mother looked at me of all people and said" I know her fat ass didn't just slam a door in my house" I was mortified and embarrassed for her and her daughter and also wondered " Why the hell did you pick me and all of my 270lbs to make that ridiculous statement to, and what the hell makes you think I'm going to cosign on that kind of nonsense?". But any who, She humiliated her in front of everyone, and to make matters worse she went on and on about how much food she had to buy to feed her. How she couldn't fit any of her clothes. How that she looks a hot mess in everything she puts on and that she was using a rubber band to hold her pants close because she had gotten too big for them to button and further more she refused to buy her another stitch until she lost some weight.Now as I looked around and saw bags of chips and 3 packs of cookies on the counter and thought of the 2-liter bottles of soda I saw in the refrigerator. I looked at her and said "Does she have a job? Because I'm confused as to where she got all the food that made her in your opinion look a hot mess." I'm confused as to why you would sit there and talk about your little girl like that as if were some kind of joke to you." It's funny how bullies react when someone their own size fights back. After an exchange of a few choice words, I was given an invitation to leave, but what she didn't realize was that everyone else in the room decided to take her up on that invitation and they left a well. I still think about that baby, and I hope that night gave her mom a little bit of perspective. As a curvy teen, hearing positive words at home creates and builds self-confidence that will be carried through out life. Hearing the opposite of that will have the opposite effect, Make sense? Good. The home should be a child's safe haven, If they are being bullied or teased about their weight at school and then come home to the same, then where is their relief from it all? Where is the peace that home is supposed to provide for a child? The results can be irreversible emotional damage or worse. Here a few things to avoid saying or doing to your curvy child. Never tell your child she has a "pretty face"This is not a compliment for a curvy girl it says your face is pretty but the rest of you is not. Never EVER!!!!! tell her she is pretty for a big girl. Never tell your child they are too big to do anything. Don't ever take them saying that they want to do anything remotely athletic, as a joke, Never tell a young girl that boys will like them better if they lose weight, Don't ever complaining to them about how much more their clothes cost, Don't ever ignore off handed and hurtful comments being made by siblings. And last but certainly not least DO NOT send them to school in control garments if they don't want to wear them. Many adult women can't stand to be constricted all day in those things,(I know I can't) No child's body be smashed and compressed into some unnatural shape that you think looks better. Further more this sends the message that their body doesn't look good enough to be socially excepted by you or anyone else, and should there fore be conformed into something more pleasing to the public eye. I'm hoping that by this point the elevator has gone all the way to the top for you guys and I hope that you think about the power your words have over your children. Please think long and hard before speaking to your child doesn't want to disrespect you and more than likely feels like they would be if they responded to your hurtful words even if it's just to tell you it hurt their feelings. Do your relationship with your curvy little diva a favor, take her to a full-length mirror, wrap your arms around her and tell her how proud you are to be her parent. Tell her she is confident and way more amazing than she knows. Tell her you believe in her and that you never want her to be anybody other than herself. Tell her, her is smart, her is kind and her is important. Sorry guys I couldn't help myself....but seriously above all things don't forget to tell her she is GORGEOUS!! Now just so you know I'm no guru, I'm just a girl whose been in their shoes. So until next time, DON'T JUST KEEP IT CURVY, KEEP IT CONFIDENT!
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