Basic Fashion Tips For An Anything But Basic Result.
So ladies lets go over a few things. We make so many purchases in the name fashion, but how many of those purchases are actually worth it. You may have a closet full of spectacular outfits but do you have your closet staples. Do you have that one piece that can take a blah outfit and turn it into POW! Here are few things that not only every curvy girl but every girl should have in her arsenal of fabulousness.
1. A Foundation Garment- My all time favorite foundation would be my Spanx, I love them! They smooth out my not so favorite areas. For most women it cuts down on the wiggle and jiggle while still leaving you comfortable also can be worn year round.
2. Black Leggings- Now there is a fine line here. The material of your leggings should be heavy fabric and they should have a tight stretch to them. I hate to see a curvy girl in cheap leggings that don’t do anything for your thighs that have been stretch to the brink and are almost see through.
3. Black trousers or dress pants- These can really make an outfit a good pair of these are super important for my business professional curvy gals. The right pair of these will defiantly have you check out your tush in the mirror just a little longer.
4. Duster- Ladies this is so important you can have on a black trash bag but if you throw on a hot duster over it nobody will be sitting you out on the curb.
5. Black skirt- There are lots of option in this department, so the best thing I can tell you is to first know yourself. Long, Short but tasteful, pencil, flared it doesn't matter. The right style skirt can give you a super sophisticated look.
6. Wide Width Heels- For my curvy diva's this is an absolute must. These are harder to come by but so worth it.
7. Flats- A cute pair of flats can keep comfortable and chic. SN: ballet slippers can easily fit into the smallest of small hand bags the trick is to put the shoes together (bottoms touching each other) and roll them up and put a rubber band on them. This not a permanent solution but it can save you a painful walk to your car after a night out with the girls
8. Maxi Dress- My favorite! You can do so much with a maxi. Crop jackets, thin belts, thick belts,wear it as a skirt, wear it as a shirt, dress it up dress it down, it’s the ultra long necklaces’ best friend, sandals, wedges, heels, chucks lol. The possibilities are endless! Sorry I get a little too excited sometimes.
9. Sunglasses- Daarrrling! In my Eartha kit voice. You absolutely must have a few great pairs of these. The right shades can put the D's in daring diva. Find the right pair for your face shape, has a great face shape guide. I highly recommend it.
10 .Last but certainly not least, one bangin' swimsuit. Bam Baby! Do not, I repeat do not buy swimsuits from discount department stores. SPEND THE MONEY ON A GOOD ONE! If you don't have that kind of money don't go swimming until you do. I know that seem harsh, but I went from the girl who wore jeans and a polo to the pool to the woman who couldn't wait to show off here curves in well fit swimsuit. I need to pause here for a second........I just remembered a leopard print swimsuit and black heels I wore last year. I felt too sexy to get wet child. Sorry I'm back now.
Now there are lots of other things that you need in your wardrobe like: a blazer, button down black shirt and white shirt,sweater dress, wide belt,camisole,jean jacket and the L.B.D. or little black dress.Now honestly I don't think this is a fair term,because every woman's L.B.D. is not black. little red, little blue, little green, little purple its all about a how you feel when you pull that zipper up!
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